NKO’s Background

Early 2010, a group of progressive Swedish, Kashmiris, Pakistani s and Indian trade unionists and activists, living in Sweden, began to discuss and plan to launch anorganisation in order to increase knowledge in the Nordic coun tries about the Kashmir conflict. They also wanted to promote cultural diversity in Kashmir.

Another purpose was to strengthen the role of trade union’s education in the area and to work towards strengthening the Fair Trade principle in the are a.The Nordic Kashmir Organization was launched in January 2013.


Aims & objectives

The NKO’s overall purpose is to promote Kashmiri interests in cultural activities, for example to protect small dying languages, highlight social aspects, as well as disseminate knowledge and raise awareness of the political and human rights situation in Kashmir.

The association aims to increase knowledge of the Kashmiri identity and contribute to the cohesion between various groups in the Nordic and EU countries.

The association aims to promote trade union’s education and fair trade on both sides of Kashmir.

The association’s goal is to promote cultural and social cooperation between Nordic, EU and Kashmiri organisations.

The association also aims to support democracy and freedom of speech in Kashmir and South Asia